Saturday, July 31, 2010

Found in the Scrap

I have been working on an acrylic painting over the last couple of weeks. To be honest I have not made a painting in a while but it has been fun to once again stand before a large canvas and smear paint around in the adventure of making art. When I started this particular painting I had a rough idea of a composition that I wanted to use but was unsure of details. Being a firm believer in the artistic process I jumped in and shploped (yes that is a technical term) paint around the edge of the canvas to take away any potential for blank page stage fright. This was the first of several layers of paint to be applied to the piece over the next couple of days.

After three days of use I decided it was time for a fresh pallet surface. I had been using pallet paper so all this required was tearing off the used sheet and a fresh sheet would be available. However as I tore off the surface sheet I saw in the midst of the crust of smears a nice little patch of paint that, to me, appeared to resemble an abstracted building - a villa of sorts with a roof and windows rising out of a streak of paint on the pallet. The image pleased me and I decided to save the scrap as a reminder of something to attempt again, on purpose, in a later piece.

I have posted the scrap image below and you may or may not see the building that I see in the smear of paint just as you might or might not take joy from the lines and color as I do. Either way I offer up this little scrap as a reminder to keep your eyes open in all arenas of life so that whenever a small moment of unexpected beauty or insight presents itself you are able to catch a glimpse of it.

Pallet Villa
