Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Encaustic Excitement

The past several months have been a whirlwind of adventure and chaos for me due, in part, to two trips to India for work.  While I am certain that some of the experiences that I have had on those adventures will find their way into my artwork and writing in the future - their impact on the recent past has been a break in my ability to post things on this blog.  It remains a constant process to balance the responsibilities, desires, mundane necessities, and unexpected events of life.  Sometimes my artistic endeavors do not bear as much weight in comparison to other events and so they get less space in that balancing act - yet I always am working to keep art present in my world.  Even during the 'busy-ness' of business I have continued to take time and space to make art, including a series of paper cutouts which I hope to have mounted and visible soon.  Now that the work trips have settled down, I find myself once again able to reassess the current state of balance and am finding that excitement for trying out a new to me medium is bearing a lot of good weight!

The medium causing me so much excitement is encaustic painting.  Encaustic is painting that is done with heated wax mixed with pigments and resin which is painted, poured or molded onto a ground to create a piece of art.  It is a versatile medium that can be built up in many layers, carved into for texture, or collaged with to create mixed-media pieces.  The potential of encaustic to incorporate so many different layers, colors and textures is what intrigues me.  In recent years I have done work in scratchboard, oil stick painting, paper cutouts and wood collage - here is a medium that may allow me to bring aspects of each of those together into one space to create a rich image.  While I have not yet had the chance to actually attempt this medium I have taken the time to gather the supplies and set up a workspace so that, at the first opportunity, I will be ready to dig in and create.  It is with a healthy sense of balance that I share with you my excitement about encaustic and my hope that the medium will provide the expressive output I anticipate. 

Encaustic Palette

Encaustic Palette Ready to Go