Thursday, March 22, 2012

Purple Martins for Paul

My dear Uncle Paul passed away this month after a several year journey with cancer. One celebrated attribute of Paul was his passion for birds - and in specific his love and care for Purple Martins. I myself am not well versed in the language of birding and I will admit that I am not certain I would even be able to distinguish a purple martin flying by from any other swallow. I do, however, appreciate birds very much and I keep my eyes open in the hopes of spotting something special even if I do not really know what I am seeing. I take comfort in this practice because I know the joy that birding has brought to the lives of my uncle and cousin and the countless others who have been inspired by their passion for winged beings.

In light of this, it seemed very natural to spend some time reflecting on Paul's life through the creation of bird inspired cutouts. Below you will find five images roughly inspired by Purple Martins. While they may not, in actuality, capture the essence of the Purple Martin, they do represent a moment in time of reflection and honor for a beloved uncle and his beloved bird.

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