Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Found Installation Art

While on a walk around a lake the other evening I came across a sight that delighted me. It was a small channel on the side of the lake with a shallow pool of water in it. In that channel I saw, spaced out in an aesthetically pleasing manner, a series of square cinder block bricks. I immediately stopped to admire the scene and realized that the sight was awaking in me a response similar to the viewing of intriguing art.

I have a hunch that this site was not set up as an intentional piece of installation/environmental art, but it translated as art to me in my encounter with it. I love moments like this - when art takes on a life of its own and manifests itself without conscious intention. It is like running into an old acquaintance in an unexpected context - the experience can be jarring and yet full of joy.

In November of 2010 I wrote a post entitled Found Collages on how I like to be on the lookout for unexpected and pleasing compositions found in the world around me. I reflected then on how having my eyes open for found collages is a method of keeping me engaged in constantly looking at the world around me in new ways and seeing things in light of their surrounding context. This experience, of finding art in the placement of cinder blocks, was a wonderful treat springing from the openness to see and acknowledge art in unexpected places.

Be on the lookout my friends, there is joy to be found in the most unlikely of moments.

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