Sunday, March 14, 2010

Art & Theology: Where the Two Meet

One of the primary purposes of this blog is to house a forum for thoughts and explorations in the combined field of art and theology. While the independent fields of art and theology each offer volumes of information and insight in and of themselves, the combination of the two offers a chance to look at each with renewed vision.

Art can expose us to new ways of appreciating and engaging the world around us and offers a unique outlet for the expression of those encounters. The creation of art can be a holistic process of unexpected insight, connection, and healing for the artist and, once created, a work of art offers a gift of experience, ranging from enjoyment, challenge and insight, to those who encounter the art as spectators. The potential power of art as it offers these experiences of meaning to both artists and spectators alike is one of the base connections it shares with theology.

Theology, in its enduring search for meaning and connection in the world, offers an outlet of expression in the way people live out theological understandings in their lives and the continuous exploration of meaning offers insight into theological possibilities. Theology in this sense is not just an understanding of meaning but is an active living out of meaning in the world.

This base connection of both art and theology to provide both insight and action is just a small piece of the foundation of the connections between the two fields and future posts will further explore the vast realm of those connections.

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